How I Store and Organize My Task Cards

I've posted a couple of different ways that I have stored my task cards. You can find those posts  HERE and HERE. I hope this is the last time that I change things around.  I've had it like like this since the end of last school year and it seems to be working. Fingers crossed....

I'm still using my drawers I got at Michaels, but I've taken the cards out of the coupon holders. I just got too many cards and the holders were taking up too much space.

The inside of the drawers look like this.  I can fit two stacks of cards on one side and then several sets standing up on the other. I use binder clips to hold each set of cards together.

On top, I've got two baskets that I keep the current cards we are using for each grade level. The students know that if they get done with an assignment early, they can go get a set of cards.

I love the tags I put on the front of each one! I created this sheet with circles that I knew would fit inside my scalloped punch.

I trimmed down the top and bottom to get the punch to fit over the circle. I punched a hole in the top of each tag and then attached it with a metal hinged o-ring.

You can check out my new TASK CARD page and see what other ideas I have!

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